CMAs Pass the Test!

Heidi Ranz

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A Q & A with Heidi Ranz, Sr. Education Specialist:

Q: How does it feel to have led the largest Mission Health CMA class to all successfully pass their state exams?

HR: I am beyond thrilled and excited to have been able to lead these amazing Mission staff members in obtaining their state certification in medication administration. Their success was my number one priority, and I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. It was a true honor mentoring and educating them over this 8-week period . This course was conducted mostly online and asynchronous, with the exception of the 25 hours of clinical (in person) time. We spent a lot of this clinical time together and it was a pleasure getting to know each of these students on a more personal level. It is always intriguing watching the students expand their knowledge each day, every hour while in the clinical setting. Witnessing the students collaborate with each other, work together as a team, build friendships, gain knowledge and demonstrate the core Mission CARES values was truly my mot favorite part! 

Q: What do you attribute the high success rate of your class to, and how do you think this achievement will impact the future of CMA training? 

HR: I give full credit of success to the students as they demonstrated great determination, self-discipline and dedication to the requirements of the course. There were assignments, tests, quizzes, readings, forums and projects that they had to complete to be successful. Additionally, they had to meet specific deadlines of coursework which can be difficult when working full-time. Each student took great initiative to be self-starting, and independent in their learning and they were all very responsible in making sure they communicated with me regarding any difficulties they had. I would also like to recognize the administrative staff who referred these team members to the program. They sent some pretty amazing staff my way and it was very welcoming for my first class.

I am optimistic and hopeful that the success of this class will encourage more staff to take an interest in taking the CMA course. I am hopeful as well that administration will recommend and refer more candidates to take the course. Medication aides are vital in our communities, as they become a greater universal team member in promoting the health and well-being of our beloved residents. 

Q: Can you share any specific strategies or initiatives that you implemented to help your class achieve this remarkable milestone?

HR: As for specific strategies or initiatives, I made sure the students could always reach me by personal phone or email. I understood the students had different work schedules, so I did my best to be available to them at their convenience.  As for future strategies and initiatives, I want to continue to build the program and improve the curriculum for every new class. Staying abreast of the state regulations is certainly key in ensuring an effective and safe program. I strongly believe it is important to speak with the students and receive their feedback about what they liked, enjoyed, or didn’t like about their experiences during the course.  I sincerely want to know what I could have done differently to make things as easy, but informational as possible. I additionally would like to hear from the administrative staff at the respective facilities of students who have completed their course. I am interested to hear how the medication aides are doing in their new role, and if they are seeing any trends or concerns. I appreciate and encourage all and any feedback from students and administration. This communication and feedback will be extremely beneficial in ensuring and supporting a successful, evolving and valuable Mission program. 

Congratulations to our grads:

Not pictured: Jessica Duncan and Rachel Hess, Eskridge Care Center

Tara Morgan and Melissa Garrett, Lincoln Care and Rehab

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